138 532 79 161 jxu@stertil.cn


My Stertil Portal - Extranet Terms and Conditions of Use:

1. Concept description:

1.1. Extranet:

the whole of services concerning communication and agreements between Stertil B.V. and

User established on the electronic highway and which can be reached via


1.2. Registration:

the written application for a user account with Extranet.

1.3. Acceptance:

the acceptance by Stertil B.V. of the User who filed the Application.

1.4. General Terms and Conditions:

All offers and agreements with regard to activities and/or services carried out by our

company are subject to the General Terms of Sale and Delivery for the Metal and

Electro-technical Industries, deposited at the Registry of the District Court of The Hague by

the FME Association on 19 October 1998, filed under number 119/1998. A copy of these

conditions will be sent to you upon request free of charge. Deviating conditions are explicitly


1.5. Terms and Conditions of Use:

these Terms of Use.

1.6. User name

the User's unique email address may not be used by more than one person

1.7. Password:

the combination of letters and/or numbers assigned by Stertil B.V. to User, which in

combination with a User name and Login enable to grant access to the Extranet.

1.8. Login:

the identification code assigned to User by Stertil B.V.

1.9. Agreement(s):

the agreement between Stertil B.V. and User of Extranet regarding the use of the Extranet

by User, as further described in article 3 of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

1.10 User(s): designated persons employed within the Stertil Group, as well as exclusively

appointed dealers.

1.10.1 Sub-user(s):

persons appointed by, and under complete responsibility and supervision of the User, who

can use a combination of User name, Password and Login to gain access to the Extranet

under responsibility of, and charged to the account of User.

1.11. Software:

the software application of the Extranet.

2. General:

2.1. The User supplies Stertil B.V. of the necessary information through the application form.

2.2. These Terms and Conditions of Use, together with the General Terms and Conditions

are applicable to all legal interactions established through the Extranet between Stertil B.V.

and the Users and Sub-users

2.3. Stertil B.V. reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions of Use without prior

notice. These changes also affect any previously made Agreements. Changes are made

public in writing or by e-mail. They become effective 30 (thirty) days after publication of this

announcement or at a later date specified in the publication.


Stertil B.V., P.O. Box 23, 9288 ZG Kootstertille, The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0)512 334444 Fax: +31(0)512 332638 E-mail: marketing@stertil.nl Internet: www.stertil.com

3. Establishing an Agreement:

3.1. An Agreement is established through Application and Acceptance; the placement of an

order by the User and the confirmation of the placement of this order by Stertil B.V.

4. Obligations and Powers of Stertil B.V.:

4.1. Stertil B.V. has the power at all times to change services, procedures, access times and

other conditions, with due observance of a reasonable term and the legitimate interests of

the User.

4.2. Stertil B.V. will make every effort to offer the greatest possible availability of the

Extranet. Stertil B.V. explicitly cannot guarantee 24 hour access to the Stertil Extranet of

Stertil B.V.

4.3. Stertil B.V. has the right to implement changes or improvements without prior notice to

the User. Changes or improvements which, according to Stertil B.V.’s reasonable

judgment require significant adaptation of the User's devices and/or software will be notified

to the User at least one month prior to the implementation of said changes or improvements.

4.4. Stertil B.V. has the right to block the User's access to the Extranet if the User does not

fully comply with the obligations to Stertil B.V. or acts contrary to the Terms and Conditions

of Use.

4.5. Stertil B.V. has the right to require the User to change or otherwise remove Sub user(s)

if said Sub user(s) fail(s) to fully comply with the obligations to Stertil B.V. or act(s) contrary

to the Terms and Conditions of Use. If User does not comply within a reasonable term,

Stertil B.V. has the right to deny User access.

5. Obligations of the User:

5.1. The User itself has to acquire and implement the hard- and software, peripheral devices

and connections necessary to access the Extranet through the site http:extranet.stertil.nl.

5.2. User name, Password and Login of the User are captive services. User is not permitted

to allow third parties other than Sub-users to use his User name The User is at all times

personally responsible and completely liable for the consequences of (un)authorized use of

the User name, Password, Login and other codes by third parties, and has to take his own

precautions to safeguard security and safe use of the Password and other codes.

5.3. The User is at all times responsible and fully liable for the consequences of

(un)authorized use by Sub user(s).

5.4. The Sub user(s) are completely managed by the User. The User is responsible for a

commonly accepted adequate management of the Sub-users The User manages the

Password of the Sub user

5.5. Stertil B.V. is authorized to change the User's Password and Login if this is in the

interest of the functioning of the Extranet. Stertil B.V. will give the User adequate notice

about this.

5.6. All actions carried out by the User or the Sub user(s), in particular ordering products

and/or services, have the same importance as other forms of transaction, in normal business


5.7. The User is not permitted to use software or engage in other activities which could

hinder access to the Extranet for other users.


Stertil B.V., P.O. Box 23, 9288 ZG Kootstertille, The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0)512 334444 Fax: +31(0)512 332638 E-mail: marketing@stertil.nl Internet: www.stertil.com

6. Intellectual properties:

6.1. The copyright, licenses and other intellectual properties of the Software are held by

Stertil B.V.

6.2. The User is given a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Software and

accompanying users documentation for the duration of the Agreement.

6.3. The User is not permitted to copy the Software and its accompanying users

documentation made available other than necessary for normal use.

6.4. The User is not permitted to apply/have applied changes and/or additions to the

Software. The User waives Stertil B.V. from the consequences of violating intellectual

property rights of third parties, caused by actions of the User contrary to the Terms and

Conditions of Use.

7. Liability of Stertil B.V.:

7.1 Stertil B.V. is under no circumstances liable for damages suffered by the User as a result


7.1.1 any form of data loss caused by technical interference on the Extranet, or any other

internal or external interference;

7.1.2 damages as a result of access blocking and/or restrictions as stipulated in article 4;

7.1.3 damages as a result of failures in the function of hired third party telecommunication


7.2 The only exception to the stipulation in the first subsection is damages caused by gross

negligence or intent by Stertil B.V. Ensuing damages will be reported in writing as soon as

possible, or at the latest within 30 (thirty) days of having been caused. Damages not

reported within this term will not be applicable for restitution.

7.3 User waives Stertil B.V. from any counter claims laid down by third parties regarding

damages suffered by third parties as a result of using the Extranet.

This document is an English translation of the original document


Attention a username and password can only be obtained by registering on-line and with the acceptance of the registration by Marketing & Quality Assurance for the Guarantee System.